Music at Grand Valley

音乐教育学士(BME) |音乐学士(BM) |音乐文学士(BA) |音乐辅修


Welcome to Music at Grand Valley. Our program is housed in the Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance, which is a center for artistic excellence in musical performance, teaching, and scholarship. We offer curricula leading to three Bachelors degrees, as well as a minor option and a Piano Pedagogy Certificate. As an undergraduate-only program, our students have greater opportunities to learn and perform, 我们的小班授课允许学生直接与我们的教师交流, 谁致力于理解和鼓励每个学生独特的才能和需求.

Whether you are looking to major or minor in music, participate in an ensemble, or attend one of our many music events, Music at Grand Valley welcomes you.

Degrees Offered

Music at GVSU offers curricula leading to the B.A., B.M., and B.M.E. degrees, as well as a Music Minor and Piano Pedagogy Certificate. 这些节目在广泛的自由教育背景下呈现音乐, 为对表演感兴趣的有特殊天赋的学生提供学习课程, composition, music technology, private studio teaching, or further graduate study, 并准备声乐和器乐学生的职业生涯在小学和中学教学. Additionally, 教职员工致力于为各院系的学生提供丰富的文化,并通过为学术生活的各个方面提供适当的音乐支持来服务于大学社区. 博天堂官方是美国大学协会的认证机构成员 National Association of Schools of Music.

The B.A. degree in Music provides a course of study for students interested in a liberal arts degree with a major in music. This degree, with its foreign language component, offers an appropriate background for prospective advanced-degree candidates who are 准备从事作曲、技术、音乐史、音乐方面的职业 理论,爵士研究,图书馆学,或独立工作室教学. 它也适用于那些想要学习音乐但有目标的学生 at careers in other fields, and for students with double majors. There is sufficient flexibility within the B.A. to provide an opportunity for acquisition of those skills that are necessary in the current technological environment. The culmination event of the B.A. is a senior project planned and carried out with the help of a faculty advisor. Students electing a B.A. in music must complete a minimum of 41 credit hours in music, planned with the approval of a faculty advisor in the department.

博天堂官方是一个认可的机构成员 of the National Association of Schools of Music.


In addition to formal admission to Grand Valley, each applicant wanting to major or minor in music is required to arrange for a personal audition with the music department. When considerable geographical distance or extreme hardship prevents a personal 审核时,申请人经部门许可,可以 submit an audio recording of an appropriate performance. Entering 一年级学生和转学生将被要求参加一个 theory placement exam on audition day.  A student with two or more 此外,还需要具备多年的钢琴演奏经验 musicianship placement exam. Audition appointments should be made at least one month in advance. Recommended audition repertoire and an application can be found at

Course Catalog: B.A. in Music Student Learning Outcomes: Music, B.A. Apply

音乐表演学士学位是一个专业学位 program. Although GVSU's required general education curriculum (for 所有学位课程)都是绩效管理课程的一部分 并为专业学习提供了良好的文科环境 main emphasis is on music performance. Designed for students who demonstrate exceptional ability and a particular interest in 专注于本科水平的表现,它是被选中的 often as preparation for graduate-level performance study in a master's or doctoral degree program. Professional performance and/or college-level teaching may be the primary goal.

Instruction in piano, harpsichord, organ, voice, guitar, harp, string, woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments is normally available. Students admitted to this program must complete a minimum of 84 credit hours in music, depending on track (vocal or instrumental) and initial keyboard placement. BM students must fulfill department concert attendance expectations, attend music major 会议,完成键盘音乐要求,并执行一个 faculty-approved half-recital during the junior year and a full recital in the senior year. Before the junior year, students in this 学位课程还包括适当的文学和教育学课程. 而对作曲或爵士乐感兴趣的学生通常会选择文学学士学位 degree course of study, BM students with abilities in composition 和/或爵士乐研究有机会发展这些技能 secondary area within the BM program as well.

博天堂官方是一个认可的机构成员 of the National Association of Schools of Music.


In addition to formal admission to Grand Valley, each applicant wanting to major or minor in music is required to arrange for a personal audition with the music department. When considerable geographical distance or extreme hardship prevents a personal 审核时,申请人经部门许可,可以 submit an audio recording of an appropriate performance. Entering 一年级学生和转学生将被要求参加一个 theory placement exam on audition day.  A student with two or more 此外,还需要具备多年的钢琴演奏经验 musicianship placement exam. Audition appointments should be made at least one month in advance. Recommended audition repertoire and an application can be found at

Course Catalog: Bachelor of Music Student Learning Outcomes: Music, B.M. Apply

A Comprehensive Program
The Bachelor of Music Education degree is a professional degree program. Substantial training in music combines with professional music education study and collaboration with the GVSU College of Education. The program enables students to meet certification requirements for teaching music in Michigan elementary and public schools. The program has two tracks, vocal/choral and instrumental, both of which result in K-12 Music Certification.

The Core Music Program
Musical training at GVSU emphasizes solo and ensemble performance for all students. The core program also includes music theory, aural perception, music history, and keyboard musicianship courses.

Music Methods
Choral teaching method experiences are acquired in class and in observation and tutoring of public school students. In addition to 基本方法上,学生在声乐/合唱方面都给予了重点 难得的机会与当地公众发展中的歌手合作 schools as part of a newly created course, "Teaching the Developing Voice."

器乐教育给予学生广泛的训练 an eight-semester sequence of voice and brass, woodwind, string, percussion instruments. Skills are further developed in the conducting class lab band/orchestra.

Beyond general teaching methods, B.M.E. instrumental students study 在教室里和教室里的军乐队技术的原则 the field.

Keyboard Musicianship
An intensive keyboard musicianship curriculum and 最先进的钢琴实验室使学生能够使用所有的键盘输入 背景发展功能键盘技能必不可少的音乐 teaching success. Private study is encouraged and offered beyond the four-semester sequence of group study.

Professional Preparation
Students receive extensive field experience in a one-year 实习,包括一个学期半天的教师协助 and one semester of full-day student teaching. Classes and seminars 与实习同时进行,使学生能够不断地学习 identify and address issues crucial to effective music teaching.

A collegiate chapter of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) is an active student organization in the Music Department. Service work, professional development, and music education advocacy are the group's primary missions.

Questions about the Music Education program at Grand Valley State 大学可以直接联系:查尔斯·诺里斯,音乐协调员 Education, at (616) 331-3385 or e-mail [email protected] and Beth Gibbs, 音乐教育副教授,电话:(616)331-2837或电子邮件 [email protected].

Teachable Minor
Students interested in a second area of certification are encouraged to contact the CLAS Advising Center (616-331-8585). An additional teachable minor would require up to one year of extra course work in that area. College of Education requirements would count for both teachable 区域,职前教学分布在认证区域之间.

Grand Valley State University is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music.


In addition to formal admission to Grand Valley, each applicant wanting to major or minor in music is required to arrange for a personal audition with the music department. When considerable geographical distance or extreme hardship prevents a personal 审核时,申请人经部门许可,可以 submit an audio recording of an appropriate performance. Entering 一年级学生和转学生将被要求参加一个 theory placement exam on audition day.  A student with two or more 此外,还需要具备多年的钢琴演奏经验 musicianship placement exam. Audition appointments should be made at least one month in advance. Recommended audition repertoire and an application can be found at

Course Catalog: Bachelor of Music Education Student Learning Outcomes: Music, B.M.E. Apply

The music minor program is designed for students with previous 音乐培训,寻求非音乐学位,希望增加 their knowledge of music or further develop their skills in music. 学生学习音乐理论、听觉感知、音乐史、键盘 musicianship, and a music elective. In addition, students take applied lessons and participate in major ensembles. Instruction in piano, 大键琴、管风琴、人声、吉他、竖琴、弦乐器、木管乐器、铜管乐器、 and percussion instruments is normally available. Students are 通过试镜进入这个项目,必须完成最低限度的考试 of 27 credit hours in music courses.

博天堂官方是一个认可的机构成员 of the National Association of Schools of Music.


In addition to formal admission to Grand Valley, each applicant wanting to major or minor in music is required to arrange for a personal audition with the music department. When considerable geographical distance or extreme hardship prevents a personal 审核时,申请人经部门许可,可以 submit an audio recording of an appropriate performance. Entering 一年级学生和转学生将被要求参加一个 theory placement exam on audition day.  A student with two or more 此外,还需要具备多年的钢琴演奏经验 musicianship placement exam.* Audition appointments should be made at least one month in advance. Recommended audition repertoire and an application can be found at

Course Catalog: Music Minor Apply

The Piano Pedagogy Certificate (in the Department of Music and Dance at Grand Valley State University) will enable undergraduate 钢琴专业的学生和地区钢琴教师要重点学习必要的技能 for successful piano teaching. Students learn how to teach beginner, intermediate, and early–advanced students.  They learn how to teach pre-college students as well as music majors who take keyboard as their secondary instrument.  They learn how to teach correct 技巧,如何培养音乐天赋和良好的视奏技巧, 如何选择、调整、表演和教授曲目,如何练习 efficiently, and how to motivate.  Students learn about the most 重要的比赛和节日在国家以及在全国 nation.   The requirements for National Certification are covered in the last semester of piano pedagogy.

This certification provides teachers with theoretical knowledge 并按照国家和国家钢琴实践经验 teaching guidelines. The piano pedagogy coursework includes guided teaching experiences. Students completing the Piano Pedagogy Certification will have a record of this accomplishment appear on 他们的成绩单,还有他们钢琴工作室的证书.

To gain entrance into the program, an interview with the Piano Pedagogy professor and the performance of one memorized intermediate-level piano work will take place.

Course Catalog: Piano Pedagogy Certificate Student Learning Outcomes: Piano Pedagogy Certificate

Performing Ensembles

我们的表演团体为专业和未成年人提供各种机会来磨练他们的技能, and for non-majors to incorporate music into their college career. 点击下面的任何图片,以了解更多博天堂官方网页不同的合奏在大峡谷州立大学.

Choral Ensembles

Early Music Ensemble

Jazz Ensembles

Marching Band

New Music Ensemble

Opera Theatre

Symphony Orchestra

Percussion Ensembles

University Bands

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Featured News


Photo by Kendra Stanley-Mills

GVNext Story大学艺术合唱团“乌克兰祈祷”表演

“我们希望利用我们的工艺和艺术形式,尽可能地获得最积极的回应," said Wallace, assistant professor of music education. “这对我们来说是一个机会,让我们把东西做得漂亮,然后把它送出去."


dr. dan graser

Photo by Kendra Stanley-Mills of Dr. Dan Graser

GVNext Story on Dr. Dan Graser's CHOPS Series

"This is certainly not an instrument that can rest on its laurels. 作为一名当代萨克斯演奏家,你需要有那种灵光一现的时刻, otherwise you are not pushing yourself as much as you should be."

GVNext featured Dr. Dan Graser and his saxophone pedagogy book series CHOPS. 该系列专注于“将玩家的方法和技术更新到现代水平”.


Sookkyung Cho讨论了她对钢琴演奏和教学的热爱

Music Professor Dr. Sookkyung Cho讨论了她对钢琴演奏和教学的热爱 

Marching Band Video

Learn More about Laker Marching Band!

new music ensemble video

New Music Ensemble Music Video: Processations by Marc Mellits.

The Music Program is part of the Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance. 

 The Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance belongs to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 一个以学生为中心的多元化学习社区,从事批判性探究, 拓展知识,丰富和活跃个人和公众的生活. Learn more at


National Association of Schools of Music
11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 21
Reston, Virginia 20190-5248
(703) 437-0700

Page last modified May 17, 2023