Grand Valley State University's Federal TRIO Programs

联邦三重奏计划(TRIO)是外展和学生服务计划,旨在为有不同需求的个人识别和提供服务. TRIO包括许多不同的项目,旨在帮助学生进入高等教育机构并成功完成学业. TRIO项目的学生可以通过从中学到学士学位后课程的学术管道取得进展. TRIO students include those that are first in their 家庭 to go to college, 收入有限, 或者有残疾. These programs are funded by the US Department of Education. GVSU TRIO staff serve approximately 2,400 first-generation and/or low-income participants. 


Below are the current programs at Grand Valley State University.


Assisting middle school students, 高中生, or returning adults in preparing for college entrance. These programs support in the exploration, 博天堂官方, 以及接受, the college or university of their choice. Click on the blue button in order to visit the program website for more information!

Educational Talent Search (美国教育考试服务中心)

Educational Talent Search (美国教育考试服务中心), a part of Grand Valley State University's College of Education and Community Innovation, 识别和帮助有潜力在高等教育中取得成功的弱势群体. Educational Talent Search provides academic and 职业咨询; 辅导 and 金融知识 referrals; and encourages participants to graduate from high school and continue on to a post-secondary institution of their choice. 教育人才搜索也为有兴趣重返学校的成年人提供服务,鼓励他们重新进入教育系统并完成高等教育学位. 美国教育考试服务中心的最终目标是在美国各地的高等教育机构中增加来自代表性不足背景的年轻人的代表性. 美国教育考试服务中心 serves 公民 between the ages of 11-27 that have finished the 5th grade. 美国教育考试服务中心 is funded to serve 719 participants. 

向上的束缚 (UB) -- Grand Rapids

升学计划(UB)是一个由联邦政府资助的计划,为参与者准备大学入学提供基本支持. 该计划为参与者提供了在高中表现和最终在高等教育追求中取得成功的机会. UB为来自低收入家庭的高中生和第一代大学生提供服务. 布法罗大学的目标是提高参与者完成中等教育和进入高等教育机构并从其毕业的比率. 自1978年以来,大峡谷州立大学一直获得TRIO UB计划的持续资助. 一旦被GVSU的UB项目录取,学生将一直参加到高中毕业. All services are provided at no cost to students. “向上发展”项目目前的资助对象是位于大急流城的大急流城公立学区的100名学生, 密歇根. These students attend Union High School and Innovation Central High School. 向上的束缚 participants are in 9th-12th grade or between the ages of 13-19. UB is funded to serve 100 participants. 

Veterans 向上的束缚 (VUB)

退伍军人向上发展(VUB)旨在通过向退伍军人介绍与大学和职业准备相关的资源,增加他们追求高等教育的机会和途径. Eligibility requirements are 180 days of active duty service, any discharge above dishonorable, 阿勒甘居民, 肯特, 马斯基根, 或渥太华县, and that they have not obtained a Bachelor’s degree. It does not require enrollment at any college or university. VUB is funded to serve 125 participants.

Laker Educational Opportunity Center (LEOC)

湖人教育机会中心(LEOC)为成年人提供教育机会. They provide guidance for re-entry into postsecondary education, alternative education, 和格, financial aid assistance, 金融知识, peer mentoring and college application assistance. LEOC的服务对象是肯特郡或马斯基根县19岁以上、第一代、低收入者、美国公民.S. 公民. LEOC is funded to serve 850 participants. 


College TRIO programs help students to successfully persist in college and obtain a degree. Programs include support for students pursuing undergraduate and/or graduate degrees. Click on the blue button in order to visit each college programs' website.

Student Support Services ( 瑞士经典)

The Student Support Services (瑞士经典) is a federally funded, comprehensive support program for first-generation and limited-income college students. 该计划的目标是为参与者提供各种可能的支持,帮助他们从大峡谷州立大学毕业. 通过这个项目, 参与者被分配了一名顾问,并有机会获得同伴导师,他们可以帮助他们在大学期间取得成功. SSS classic provide a number of services including: academic advising, 调度援助, study skills assistance, time management assistance, secondary admission assistance, financial aid counseling, 职业咨询, graduate school counseling, personal counseling and study abroad advising. Funded to support 215 participants. 

Teacher Preparation Student Support Services (支持)

教师准备学生支持服务计划(支持)是一项联邦资助的赠款计划,旨在促进成功, 保留, and graduation of future teachers from GVSU. 支持 works with teaching majors who are first-generation, 为符合收入条件的学生或残疾学生提供尽可能多的个性化服务,帮助他们走向毕业. Their mission is to promote learning, 个人发展, 对K-12教学学位感兴趣或追求的本科学生的保留率,而这些学生传统上在这方面的代表性不足, or under-prepared for postsecondary education because of income, family educational background, 或残疾. Funded to support 140 participants.

Student Support Services STEM--Health Sciences (三杆)

学生支持服务STEM-健康科学(三杆)计划的目标是提高学业成就率, 保留, 通过提供全面和个性化的支持服务,最大限度地发挥学生的先天能力,帮助那些对stem -健康科学专业感兴趣的历史上代表性不足的学生毕业, draw upon available resources within and outside of the university, 让学生受益, 家庭, and the larger community. Funded to support 120 participants. 

Apply Now for the TRIO SSS Programs!

如果你是第一代大学生,并希望申请成为三个学生支持服务(SSS)计划的一部分, please click here to apply:

TRIO SSS Programs Application

Applications will begin processing after May 3rd. Please note that notifications may not be sent out until June. 


Post-Baccalaureate Program


罗纳德·E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair Scholars)

罗纳德·E. 麦克奈尔博士后成就计划(麦克奈尔学者计划)的目标是增加代表性不足和/或第一代和收入有限的博士学位学生的数量.D. programs and careers across the country. Scholars participate in a 15- month program that includes academic and 职业咨询, 辅导, GRE准备, graduate school application preparation, and academic writing preparation. The program also includes a research stipend of up to $4,在该项目为期12周的密集夏季研究部分期间,获得5000万美元和补贴住房. 学者还将获得会议旅行和研究生院访问的资助, 其他好处包括. 罗纳德·E. McNair Program has been on Grand Valley State University’s campus since 1995. Funded to support 34 participants

FIrst Gen Forward Institution

“第一代前进”是美国首个表彰高等教育机构致力于帮助第一代学生取得成功的项目. There are currently 268 designated First-gen Forward Institutions. 集体, 他们代表了一个准备分享循证实践和资源的专业人士社区, troubleshoot challenges, 生成的知识, and continue to advance the success of first-generation students across the United States. 


In order to be eligible, a program must: 

  • 做一个积极的人, 认证, two-year or four-year institution of higher education located within the United States
  • Be a NASPA institutional member
  • Secure senior leadership support and commitment to participation
  • 指定至少两名在职教职员工作为机构代表
  • Commit to fulfilling the requirements


For more on TRIO check out:

Page last modified February 26, 2024